Modern Warfare not connecting to data center

every time I search for a match, it gives me that error and asks me to check my internet connection. I don’t understand why all of a sudden it is having this issue. my internet connection is fine and I can do everything else with my computer but play Modern Warfare. Anybody else having this issue?


Same issue I have periodically after updates on this game but I’m on PC. I’m having it right now of course but I am pretty sure the issue is an update isnt properly downloading when you load up the game. It says “downloading update” or whatever for a second and then just skips it which is causing you to not be able to connect to matches of course. In the past I just kept trying repeatedly and eventually itll work but it’s annoying as hell and I hope someone has an easy fix cause sometimes it takes me hours for it to work. Like I’ll just leave and come back later today and itll be fine.

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I am now having this issue for the first time. I’m on PC, but did you do anything to fix it eventually?

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