Merge Grobb and lower pop servers on cata classic

Low population servers need to be merged. With all of the jumping around from different types of games of other players. We cannot transfer to full servers and then we are stuck on medium pop with 3k alliance that is apparently active


You’re posting in the wrong forum.

This forum is for technical support on Blizzard’s Legacy Games — old games such as:

  • Diablo II (2000) and its expansion Lord of Destruction;
  • The games in the Blizzard Arcade Collection such as The Lost Vikings and Rock N Roll Racing;
  • Battle.Net editions of Diablo I, Warcraft: Orcs and Humans & Warcraft: II.

WoW (all versions - Retail and Classic) has its own set of forums and you need to use them for anything related to that game.

Best of luck in your games !