about 5 months ago, my Activision account was hacked and later on banned. I applied for an account recovery which was approved yesterday. Because I bought Cold War right after I lost my account, I had to make a new Activision account in order to play Cold War. Here’s the problem: I now have 2 accounts with 2 seperate games but only 1 can be linked to my battle.net account at the same time. Is there a way to merge the copies and progresses of both games into 1 Activision account/ transfer the progress of my MW account to my Cold War account or vice versa? I know this is not the Activision support but they usually take ages to respond (as I already mentioned, the account recovery request took them 5 months to complete) so I just wanted to ask, if someone had similar problems and knows a fix for this issue.
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i have the same problem, where the answer blizzard???
Hey gadexTT,
The forums aren’t official contact points with Bliz so a Bliz reply isn’t guaranteed.
As for the question, the CoD games and associated accounts belong solely to Activision. Bliz’s only involvement is selling, installing and patching. After that, everything else is under Activision’s purview.
Thus, for what you’re looking for, you need to contact Activision’s support.