Main Thread. Blizzard Agent went to sleep. Attempting to wake it up

But I am using Windows OS, not MAC. How to do that?

Same Problem here, but I was able to launch the game by going directly into the WoW folder and clicking on the exe.

Hi. Can you please advise on how to fix issue with ‘Blizzard Agent went to sleep’ ? I have tried to delete all files including temp files. Re-installed the app - worked ok but after re-start of PC same issue occurs.

Change computer time 2020-03-11
I can go in and play

There was Nvidia driver update. After updating my Nvidia drivers, I needed to restart my PC. Then I got stuck on this message on launching after the restart. I tried everything…

  1. Deleting the BlizzardEntertainment and folder from ProgramData folder
  2. Restarting PC after deleting those files and launching
  3. Reinstalling application

But still no results. Please for god sake, fix this problem in your priority as many people are facing this issue right now.

Out of all these week days, this problem has to come up on weekend only where I wanted to relax by playing COD after all those hectic working hours!!!


Same here bud i tried everything

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same problem here, this is really annoying

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Did you really not see the top thread with over 500 replies on the exact same issue?

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same here… :frowning: I deleted itm trying to reinstall the battlenet launcher, but nothing happening.

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Same here. Happy Friday the 13th.
:crazy_face: Blizzard giving any feed back?

Same issues, then the website says error on their end

same issue i’m getting …Ducking annoying too much … bkl dhang se krlo kuch

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mesmo erro aki aconteceu comigo e nao consigo corrigir

Y yo pensando que era el único, pero ya mirando todos estos comentarios me doy cuenta que del error es el launcher y no mi PC.

I had the same problem, I deleted the cache files by pressing WINDOWS + R, and typing %ProgramData% then pressing OK, I deleted all blizz cache’s, but you have to close all blizz processes from the task manager, then I re-launched the client and it was working fine, but now when I want to relocate games, I get stuck on waiting and I cant play anything :frowning: .

Fix your app. use some of the billions of dollars and fix it.


We are still investigating this error. Some users are reporting being able to login after restarting the PC or similar, so be sure to try that if you haven’t yet. Though if it’s still not working after that hang tight! Our engineers are on the case!

I have the same issue. Clearing the app from appcache does not work. Not even the app inside Blizzard Entertainment/

I uninstalled beta and went back to the classic app and everything is working. the issue with the app and how it connects to, not our computers.

same problem here, blizzard support also not working for me and giving me an error code
Something went wrong on our end
An error has occurred. This may be a temporary error, so please try again later.

Error code: