Main Thread. Blizzard Agent went to sleep. Attempting to wake it up

This got the game opened for me but stuck on “Game server connection failed - Retrying” when i try to log in

same here. tried everything

Due to extreme load, this is temporarily being shown to everyone as a logged out user would see it. Blah Blah Blah…

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I got the SAMEE problems bro :(( dang it

im having the same issue as well and i did everything it said to do and stlll wont wake up

It’s almost like they’ve known for months that there would be a huge influx of players since many are quarantined. Maybe Blizzard is also run by the US government. Bad things don’t happen if you don’t talk about them!

What’s new… that is why it never an A League launcher like Steam. Even Epic Launcher does a better job. Blizzard dont pay thier developer well i guess

Might work for WoW because its kind of always been separate from Battle Net. But, for games with this BN Trash integrated into it , it FORCES you to authenticate a User through BN. Sooo if you try MW since that’s the newest game it won’t work… its literally built in DRM lol

Same here. reinstalled… deleted program data…this is from blizzards end…im able to play COD just fine on my xbox…but of course id rather play it on my pc…

yes that worked , manual start at least im in classic , didn’t try retail as im not playing that until new xpac

Uninstalled, reinstalled, still no dice, launch games manually and can’t connect to servers, g friggin g. Just want to get my skins in OW, come on.

I’m having the same issue here. Tried to delete cache folder but doesn’t work. Restarting the computer doesn’t work either. Even uninstalled BattleNet but now I can’t install again.

I’m using Windows 10 1909 18363.719

Dont you all uninstall the app… now i cant install… keep stuck at updating blizzard agent!!! damn it… i was playing half way and pop up said im disconnect with blizzard!! now the happen!!!

Just to be clear, this dosent have anything with windows update to do. updated mine yestoday and played all night. its a blizzard/server thing. and its only some games you can open, by going to you’re folders and open, D3 isnt one of them.

You MIGHT be able to run the EXE file for Single player? I hope, but it does not work for WarZone for sure. Servers are down

Same issue here, any blue poster can help please?
I have a friend I’m in touch with through discord and she’s having no problem logging in to bnet/D3. So I don’t understand if the problem is with Blizzard servers or individual people…

i must play now or i commit sudoku and sever own peenbus in tianammen where nothing happened free hong kong throw gasoline on oppressor i cut off peenbux now thanks blizzard good company jeff


Reinstallation did not help either. I have the same problem. Agent went to sleep …
Please help

Quarantined and no WoW. :frowning:


Same here. Reinstalled it twice, deleted all cache files and everything related to app, still getting Agent went to sleep error.
i.e. BLZBNTBNA00000005
P.S. Funny thing friend list works as absolutely fine.

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