Looking for a group Warcraft 2 Multiplayer

Yo, add me for some warcraft 2 multiplayer, make sure to message me on discord that your down for some Warcraft 2. Anyway, any warcraft 2 community/discords?

B net tag is OO7#1552
(copy and paste)

Discard tag is icedpanda818

start here :slight_smile: no one can add you on discord unless you have a server in common
here’s an invite for a remastered war2 server on discord ->> you need to put discord.gg in front of it, pJMP7UUS

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Yes to what Nedro said. Also, you can join another Warcraft 2 community here
https :// discord.gg/ Z48seADR (you will need to put it all together)

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Here is a Warcraft 2 battlenet app group
launch dot battle dot net/invite/rZ4o2rOhjNz