Logo zip up and alliance merch

Just a few suggestions for the WoW shop merchandise.
Back in 2007 I bought a black zip up hoodie with the WoW logo on the front. It appears now that there is only pullover which is disappointing. Would love to see that offered again!

Secondly, I play mainly Alliance but almost all the Alliance related apparel is made in blue. I realize blue and yellow are the faction colors but not everyone who plays Alliance wants to wear blue. More color options would be nice.

I feel like you could sell a lot more clothes if you freshened up the designs a bit. More graphic tees with more of the characters of lore and more color varieties for your very diverse gamer pool.

Thanks and I hope to give you more money soon :wink:

P.S. I also really want a Fel Murloc Plushie pretty please :grin: