Large number of creature display render images missing

A large number of render images for creature display IDs are giving “403 Forbidden” errors. These are valid display IDs that are returned in API queries and so images for them should probably exist.

For example, this one works:
https:// render-us. worldofwarcraft. com/npcs/zoom/creature-display-88019.jpg
While this one does not:
https:// render-us. worldofwarcraft. com/npcs/zoom/creature-display-87590.jpg

You’ll have to remove the spaces from the URLs to get them to work due to the ongoing frustrating restrictions on posting links in these forums.

The above links are for two different appearances of the Nameless Octopode companion pet: without or with an eyepatch (the latter not working).

If I generate a list of all companion pets that come in multiple colours (this is just a crude page for testing), you can see a large number of broken render images among the ones that have worked:
https:// www. warcraftmounts. com/multi_look_companions.php

Have they not been created yet, or is the server simply blocking them for some reason?

Thanks :slight_smile: