Ivory Trader's Ottuk took equipped ring

Hi I just bought the Ivory Trader’s Ottuk with a ring, I did not realize that it would remove my currently equipped 385 Thunderous Downburst ring, when I tried to refund the mount to get the ring back it gave the ring back to me at ilvl 250. Is there any way to get my original ring restored?

It does not show up trying to use the item restoration tool online.

Not sure if this is the right place for this but I couldn’t find any way to open a ticket or anything.

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I had the same thing just happen to me.

You will want to post on the WoW forums. This forum here is for the Desktop launcher app.


I would suggest maybe using bug report.

Hi, did you manage to get the rings back?

Same thing just happened to me, today. Have a ticket in to see if this can be fixed. 405 ring in my bag and either a 415 or 418 on my character (for weeks now). The 405 disappeared and the Ottuk token was in my bags when I handed it in.
Only noticed a few hours later when I logged back in and ran a key that the character ring was also missing and I had an empty slot.
Tried to restore with the auto-online service but neither ring shows up as they were not vendored.

And I know from above that this is technically the wrong forum category to be posting in but this seems to be the only post on this issue. Figured I would keep the thread going and refreshing for people to see it.