Issues logging on to diablo IV - beta

I waited for 741 minutes to access Diablo Iv this morning and when it eventually allowed me on, all I’ve had is error code 396022 (unable to pin a server) this has occurred a 6+ times THEN I got an error code saying no valid licence was found - come on lift your game. Not a happy player

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The Open Beta is not accessible until 9 AM PST on March 24th, that would be why you can’t login to D4 right now, still 8 and a half hours before the servers are up


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I was just about to whine on the forums myself actually lol…

yeah nice error 300008 wait an hour just to get kicked and wait again piece of sht indie company


I cant even download the thing,
i just get stuck in an infinite load

I waited 47 minutes (after 9A PDT) and was super excited to log in, but it said my login timed out, and shut the window down. Now I am in a 32 minute long queue… which I am guessing will time out again. Is this 2003 or 2023? For crying out loud…

Stress test… failed.

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After wait 140min, i logged in without problems.
After that the server returns “Error no authorized” … it says free to play beta on ps5…