Is there any way to get a mount's item id using the new API?

I’m sure there was a way to do this with the old API, although can’t remember the specifics.

Seems like a lot of the data was removed - spell id etc. also. Has it moved somewhere else or is it just gone?

This type of data is quite key - it’s impossible to use wowhead tooltips without it for example.

Yikes even icon is gone. I’m getting the sense that the new API is specifically tailored for, rather than the community like it was before. Is this the case? So much has been removed…

Can you be more specific about what endpoint are you experiencing this ?

For items you can find the spell inside the preview_item field, and the icon is available through the item_media endpoint.

Here is a snippet for item 169304 (Trinket):

  "id": 169304,
  "name": "Leviathan's Lure",
  "preview_item": {
    "spells": [
        "spell": {
          "key": {
            "href": ""
          "name": "Leviathan Chomp",
          "id": 302773
        "description": "Equip: Your damaging abilities have a very low chance to summon a Leviathan, inflicting 15,700 Physical damage to your target.\r\n\r\nDealing damage also cultivates luminous algae on your target, increasing your chance to summon."

When I visit

I see this:

  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": ""
  "id": 6,
  "name": "Brown Horse",
  "creature_displays": [
      "key": {
        "href": ""
      "id": 2404
  "description": "A favorite among Stormwind's guards thanks to its patience and stamina.",
  "source": {
    "type": "VENDOR",
    "name": "Vendor"
  "faction": {
    "type": "ALLIANCE",
    "name": "Alliance"

I expect to see this:

  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": ""
  "id": 6,
  "name": "Brown Horse",
  "creature_displays": [
      "key": {
        "href": ""
      "id": 2404
  "description": "A favorite among Stormwind's guards thanks to its patience and stamina.",
  "source": {
    "type": "VENDOR",
    "name": "Vendor"
  "faction": {
    "type": "ALLIANCE",
    "name": "Alliance"
  "item": {
    "key": {
      "href": ""
    "name": "Brown Horse Bridle",
    "id": 5656
  "spell": {
    "key": {
      "href": ""
    "name": "Brown Horse",
    "id": 458

Thanks for your reply Schiller. I’m talking about the mount endpoint specifically: /data/wow/mount/{mountId}. It used to contain icon, itemId, spellId etc.

I agree with Erorus above - I’d expect that data to be available for mounts and pets, as it was before.

Yeah sorry about that , I checked the forum earlier and totally missed the title of this topic :roll_eyes:. Unfortunately this endpoint is indeed missing a lot of data compared to the old version.

Yea, would be good to hear from Blizzard on why this is, if anyone is reading the forums.

It does appear to me that the new endpoint caters specifically for the mount list on - it would be a shame if so because that extra information is really valuable, and the website I work on is heavily reliant on it.

Although in my case I dump the data into my own DB, so I can instead try a combination of dumping that data from in-game and scraping it off wowhead. Just obviously much less convenient.


Another possibility for this is because the community API was turned off before everything was migrated as you can see here.

Maybe there is still hope. It is kinda basic to have at least the item and spell ID. Perhaps they are waiting on the recipe endpoint to link craftable mounts, but indeed it would be nice to have a blue answer on that.

Hmm yea I did wonder that, sounds like there was a bit of a hard deadline for some reason - fingers crossed it’s still in the works.

My particular wishlist would be for icon, spellId, itemId and qualityId across pets, mounts and recipes (as before).

I’ll channel all my mana into summoning a blue response. Thanks for your help anyway :slight_smile:

Yep, they even pushed the shutdown of the old API 3 months after the original deadline.
Sometimes you can find answers faster over the discord

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