Yes you guessed it another IP banned thread. So while going through some old boxes I found my WC3 and diablo 2 cases with the keys yada yada. Played WC3 online fine for over a month no problem. I played diablo 2 for one night and suddenly can’t connect the next day. Turns out they gave me at the minimum a 2 week IP ban for using my own diablo 2 keys but since they were used by me 20 years ago lets ban me for weeks. So I try to play some WC3 and the Diablo 2 IP ban spans to WC3 as well? This has to be one of the dumbest policies I’ve ever seen from a company. Instead of just saying “hey your key isn’t valid anymore since you used it 20 years ago” you let me use it, then ban my entire access to Bnet for weeks. Wtf is going on at that company?
Classic has extra rules in place to keep the service safe and help fight against abuse. We cover these rules for the service Here.
In your case, it appears a cloud-based Internet Service Provider was used to connect to the service. This resulted in an action taking place, these actions can last between a few weeks up to 30 days. I would recommend trying to access the service again next week from a private residential Internet Service Provider.
Thank you.
I am using my PRIVATE RESIDENTIAL INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER. I’m not using a vpn or any “cloud-based Internet service providers”. If that was the case then why did I have zero issues playing WC3 online but as soon as I play D2 I get IP banned?
When I downloaded and tried to create an account I got the Ip ban and cdkey closure. They said tos. Kind of lame I’ve had that legit key for 15+ years and I tried to get a support ticket. Big middle finger.
3 posts were split to a new topic: Mrmanly IP ban issue