In mainland China, The data interface cannot be accessed

Use the following address to get the server list of the US server, and normal results will be returned.

Below is the curl code:
curl --location ‘’
–header ‘Authorization: Bearer KRjAZ36yz627cqgoP3rkYXGWuujTvFAL82’
–data ‘’

Interface return content:
“_links”: {
“self”: {
“href”: “”
“connected_realms”: [
“href”: “”
“href”: “”
“href”: “”
“href”: “”
“href”: “”
“href”: “”
“href”: “”
“href”: “”
“href”: “”
“href”: “”
“href”: “”
“href”: “”
“href”: “”
“href”: “”
“href”: “”
“href”: “”
“href”: “”
“href”: “”
“href”: “”
“href”: “”
“href”: “”
“href”: “”
“href”: “”

Refer to the following document to obtain the China server list, but cannot access it normally
World of Warcraft Classic Game Data APIs

For all regions except China, the API host name follows the format {region}, where {region} is one of us | eu | kr | tw. For China, the host name is gateway{.}battlenet{.}com{.}cn. For more information, see Regionality and APIs.

According to the above description, use the following address to access

Below is the curl code:
curl --location ‘’
–header ‘Battlenet-Namespace: static-classic-cn’
–header ‘Authorization: Bearer KRjAZ36yz627cqgoP3rkYXGWuujTvFAL82’
–data ‘’
The interface returns an error code:500 Internal Server Error

Now, why would you post your access_token on a public forum ?

For security reasons you should go to your API profile and re-generate your API credentials and expired the current token.

as a side note your sending the same Bearer token for both regions they should be different if i remember correctly


Thank you very much. I will read the API documentation carefully again and change the credentials and token now. Thank you again for your answer and reminder.