IMBA = Imbalanced

I.M.B.A = Imbalanced.
Current meta is use a single hero VS Human.
Totally undeniable imbalance.

When every race harass Human with one hero to gain the advantage…
(It’s "meta"because everyone knows Human is too weak to punish it.)

When every race makes a very limited number of units to have the tech edge…
(It’s “meta” because everyone knowing Human is too weak to punish it.)

When every race has more DPS/HP for the cost of a Human unit…
(The meta is to mass units to stop Human expo because everyone knows Human is unable to sustain a long game with 1 base.)

When Human must seal their base to prevent early exploit only to have later game cheese of a 1 single hero devastating the gold/lumber count which is stated above a must for Human. (Gold and lumber hungry race. since units are expensive and weak.)

When Human Pro’s can’t win a best of 3 vs second tier players of all other races.