I want to watch a series by blizzard


World of Warcraft is much better than Warcraft 3 World Edditor

So I have been lately watching Shobek on Twitch he is doing a real live voice acting there, it enjoyable to watch however no one else does it. Also there are servers where you can participate in stuff like this however it is not what I am looking for.

Some time ago I was thinking about it and I have come to conclusion that Blizzard surely is able to sell into public a tool that would allow creation of video scenes in a same fashion as intro to playable race. I do not want to go much into details here because it is a big thing, something like DotA in a matters of law.
I would call it something like WoW Globe, same as a place where Shakespeare used to do his pieces. To create a piece person would be only required to use "Scratch" like coding language where you move characters on a simple stage not exactly any place or maybe any place the WoW is a enormous World. I have heard last week in a radio that already there are companies in California that are trying to use Neural Networks and Computer Vision to create real live effects for example to make a character older via style transfer algorithms.
It is usefully however WoW already have a very good graphics a tons of models and it does breaks a value of them however you could make people to pay for it even ask them about a cut of any money that they get from YouTube of other streaming services same as the Apple does and it could bring money.
Best is that more than half of the job is already done. You could even hire voice actors for samples for voice line generation and add curse words filter there so users will not use them same as giving a possibility to record your own voice lines.
To not prolong I can say that surely most views on YouTube of them movies made by WoW Globe will be Inscenization of the Book of the Mormon, Bible and Taylor Swift concerts.

Out of the user perspective I can say that it is a decent way of making money and surely at least one girl will make a fortune out of it instead of doing Only Fans. It is great, Plunderstorm seems fun for me however it was just a heated cutlet for me but "WoW Globe" could be a game changer for many people, you could even partner with Twitch that first cast has to be done on their side.

What I would do on it, it would be Donald Trump talking with Triumph the Insult Dog. And yes it is a total violation of copyrights there but I would post in on TikTok, lol, it seems like Blizzard WoW Globe is a new streaming service by Blizzard. Great idea nobody goes to the theatre anyways.

Ow and I thought about another issue, since Warcraft 3 is death please reconsider[?] changing heroes abilities system, and still cap it to level 10 however add level 4 spell on level 7 instead of picking you must have ability like in case of Death Knight, Crypt Lord and many more, my first thought was Rexxar campaing like system capped to level 10.

Blizzard has some solid series and cinematics you can dive into. If you’re talking about their game-related content