I dream of a world where

…I could get some kind of reward in WoW for playing OW2 games. To be a bit more specific, right now I’m wanting Silverwing Sentinel rep, but a rep grind in Overwatch would be far more appealing to me.

So I guess the point of this post is to receive all kinds of feedback telling me this is silly and cannot be done… but I wonder if something like this could be the future of gaming- where different titles are coherently integrated, and developers get to engage with players on a new and imaginative level.

Of course I wouldn’t want anyone to feel forced to play games they don’t want to play, so I wouldn’t want to reward to be anywhere close to “efficient” use of time. But sometimes I daydream about getting some tiny fraction of a percent of half of a notion of recognition for being a faithful multi-title Blizzard enjoyer.

I know it’s a half baked idea at best, but maybe someone reading the forums today would share the sentiment and expound upon this thirsty, wanting, half-baked plea for a stronger sense of progress while stuck in the situation where – > my social circle enjoys one game, but not the other; I really enjoy playing both, but feel that I cannot play the other game in my own time, without having to feel like I’ve “wasted” time that MUST now be spent playing the only game my comrades happen to play.