I cant see the app

when I start the app battle.net its not showing up on my screen but I cant click the play button but I cannot see the play button or select a game.

Howdy Kiug0,

This typically indicates that something may be blocking the app from opening correctly. Try disabling all other programs temporarily. You may also need to configure security software to allow the Blizzard app as an exception. In the mean time, you might be able to launch the games directly from the game folders if they’ve been updated.

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I’ve been having similar issues. Gone through everything including fresh windows install attempting to resolve. The battle.net app launches as a background process but never opens the GUI. Attempting to launch Diabo.exe directly brings up the login prompt which I have set to auto-login; then an “updating agent” progress bar appears momentarily. Within seconds this progress bar disappears and nothing else happens.
Task manager shows two “Blizzard Battle.net App (32 bit)” processes, one “Blizzard Battle.net Login” process, and one “Blizzard Update Agent (32 bit)” process.

Info for others trying to trouble shoot their incomprehensible app issues:

After trying all the things I could find across these forums with no success.

Unplugging my USB DAC/AMP (speaker amp over USB) resolved the issue completely… the app opened instantly. No where in any troubleshooting or error reporting did I see any issue with USB on my PC.

WOW, what the actual HELL?! This solved it for me… it instantly opened the app!

I’ve been trying to fix this for hours, from messing with firewall rules, reinstalling drivers, reinstalling battle.net, running with admin/compatibility, etc… THANK YOU.

What a weird bug…

Hey Zenlaka, any idea how to around this problem without having to discard my usb speaker? Why would such a device even interfere with battle.net but nothing else in my system ??

Edit: In Device Manager, I simply disabled this culprit USB device under ‘Disk drives’ and this worked while I could still use the speakers