How to get information about a community?

I am member in a WoW in-game community with 1,000 members. The community leader is having a hell of a time doing the administration. I would like to help him with an application. My idea is to show all the community members and some information about them (like last time connected and such). As it seems, there is no API for getting the community “roaster”. Am I missing something? Is there a way of getting the members in a community? I found how to do it for a guild, but not for a community. I would be very grateful is someone could help.

unfortunately there is no api for this as this is considered “chat” just like you cannot access guild logs or so from ingame thru the api

The communities are considered “chat”? This means that Blizzard created them, and the people investing tons of time to keep them alive are just losing their time? :frowning: The leader of the community I’m talking about spends hours a week to maintain it alive. There are nearly 1,000 players there and he organizes prizes, races, … I know some of the players in the community that just keep playing WoW because of this community. Sad to know that for Blizzard is just “chat”.

Update: there is an in-game lua API called C_Club where I can get the roaster for a guild or community. Why not just provide this API as a REST one? Somehow the game is getting this information as well

by “chat” i mean its information they probably wont reveal or make accessible thru the api… keep in mind my assumptions have nothing to do with blizzard’s stance on the settings of communities ingame api can access many thing that the web api cannot, that being said friends lists and friends are not accessible thru the tpi for privacy reasons im not sure how or where communities fall in this, best bet would to be create an ingame addon for the functions you want