How do you find out how long a ban is?

I believe I was banned from trying to log in from a hotel room (VPN maybe???) Anyways, it is stuck on checking versions, how long is the ban and how do I know when it is up???

Hi there,

Attempting to play Diablo 2 on using a business class connection or while you have a VPN active will result in a two week restriction. Attempting to connect while the restriction is in place may reset/extend the duration of the restriction.

To avoid this problem in the future, the best practice is to play Diablo 2 on only while you are connected through a residential internet service provider. If you do use a VPN, make sure it is disabled before playing.


You typically won’t be able to log in from hotels at all, as they usually use business class internet (as TheDarkJedi suggests.) If you’re away from home, you’d need to wait until you’re back on home internet or transition to a mobile hotspot while playing (using your phone as your source of internet, basically). That said, such restrictions are per-IP address. Going to a different connection should remove the issue if you got it for connecting to a hotel internet. Otherwise, one of these is usually the cause and you’d need a new IP address or to wait out the 2 week suspension.