How do I buy game time for a friend in Wow?

I want to buy a month of game time for two guildies. How best to do that? I expected this to be easy to do, but cannot find it. World of Warcraft is the specific game.

I am sorry but you can no longer do that. Blizzard does not sell single months of game time at all.

They only sell the 2 month game time blocks which I think you can gift if they are in your Region.

There are two ways to get a single month of game time. Adding a subscription to an account which requires them to set up a re-occuring payment method, or buying a Bnet Token via the AH in-game with gold. That is something they would need to do on their own account.

Here is my fancy info on it:

Those changes were made in March of 2021.

I made up a handy chart at the time to help people see their WoW payment options at a glance. Note that any taxes and fees mandated by law in your state/country are additional.

Description Cost (USD) CC PayPal Debit Bnet Bal WoW Token
:clock1: 1 Month reoccurring Subscription* $14.99 X X X
:clock3: 3 Month reoccurring Subscription* $41.97 X X X
:clock6: 6 Month reoccurring Subscription* $77.94 X X X
:clock12: 1 Year reoccurring Subscription* $155.88 X X X
:flying_disc: WoW 30 day game time token (with gold) Gold
:credit_card: 60 day Game Time Card/Block $29.99 X X X X
:dollar: Battlenet Balance (your account)** Flex X X X X
:money_with_wings: Gifted Battlenet Balance Flex X X X

*If you don’t want your Subscription to automatically renew, wait for it to clear the payment (several days), then cancel the Sub on the account. You can do this every month if you like.
**Check the Bnet Balance article for Restrictions and use Blizzard Support - Balance Restrictions

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