Hello guys, I hope you’re doing well !
Here’s my problem, when I fetch auction house data each item information looks like this :
"item": { "id": 38787 }
So I need to get the name of the item and eventually the icon so what I would normally do is these get requests on those endpoints:
To get the item name and item icon
But that’s clearly not an option since one auction house data is composed by more than ~14000 unique items
I’ll reach the 36000 requests cap pretty easily
So what I plan to do for the moment is fetch all items available at these endpoints
To save them in a MongoDB database so I could use them without any limits
I would like to know if there’s a way to get all items and all items media like the way I can get all servers with the endpoint /data/wow/realm/index
And if not I would probably need to iterate over a range but I don’t know what range I should set ?
Thank you, please tell me if it isn’t clear since english is not my native language.