Hearthstone Bots

I’ve become sick and tired of continually playing bots that now show up at least 70% of the time in Standard matches… You can tell they are bots, because: A. they either have names that are “(color)(beast)”, or they have, B. random names of nonsensical characters, i.e., “djri b85ll2irg” or something like that. The game for me has become virtually unplayable. I invested some $'s in the next update, but I now greatly regret doing so… I have played Hearthstone for at least 7+ years, but I don’t believe I can play it much longer, and I certainly won’t invest one more dime in it… The fact that the game creators cannot police for the bots is both extremely disheartening and, disappointing…I am ready to remove it from the PC and Apple devices…


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  • The games in the Blizzard Arcade Collection such as the Lost Vikings and Rock N Roll Racing;
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Best of luck in your games!

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