Hate of the game WoW

I stopped playing for 3 years more or less keept paying the subscription until the late desember i stopped i was rarely logging in just to chat a little and hang out in a city. i started playing again after paying for dragon flight to play the new race/class and maxed to 70 and the game is still just as bad and trash at game play with how hard the dark moon faire mini games adchivents are to get the prizes are as to get a perfect score at the dance game or the ring toss and the others this is and always has been a real piss off thing to do to us players as to make it so damn imposable as well with other aspects of the game you people at blizzard really are jurks and pricks to put it mildly have other words i’d like to use but then it would just remove the post ugh anyway with all the trashy ways you put the game its no wonder why so many quit playing the sorry escuse of a game game items and content should never be locked behind an adcivement or lock box! i don’t give a rats rear end what you or anyone say that adchivment system is a bad sorry joke from the retard who ever came up with adding that trash when you ad such things to a game it just F s the game play up and pisses people off! if your going to put that stuff best to make it easy or at lest give some other option to obtaining the items! i really hate your damn game after the last of the 30 days play time from getting epic edition is over im not paying the damn subscription thats for damn sure its not worth it and the game is no damn fun because of all the flaws that are in the game play that you put into the game and not just of the adchivments! i really wish you go out of business!

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You appear to be lost, as this is a forum for discussing the Blizzard Arcade Collection.
Try this…

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