Guild Activity Empty

I went to start porting my API library and ran into the guild activity appearing empty even though the legacy endpoint still shows events. Is this broken or am I missing something? Here is what I get back:

Requested URL[REMOVED]


  "_links": {
    "self": {
    "href": ""
  "guild": {
    "key": {
      "href": ""
    "name": "For The Achieves",
    "id": 74094933,
    "realm": {
      "key": {
        "href": ""
      "name": "Proudmoore",
      "id": 5,
      "slug": "proudmoore"
    "faction": {
      "type": "ALLIANCE",
      "name": "Alliance"

This is the same result I get when I try it from the documentation website found here.

Your guild may need to experience an event that counts as “activity” before the “acitivities” property is populated.

If we compare against the guild Complexity Limit, we can see that they have alot of activity recorded, which would be expected as their guild is quite active.

It might be worth retesting after a guild member or the guild obtains an achievement, kills a boss, etc.

I thought this mirrored Guild News on the old API/in game which shows me a bunch of events such as item loots but no boss kills. Any confirmation on which types of things are logged?

Greetings Grepster,

Currently the only event types supported by the Guild Activity API are CHARACTER_ACHIEVEMENT and ENCOUNTER. Can you help us better understand the use-case that the previous API supported which the current API does not? Ie: In which way were you leveraging loot, etc?

We are investigating ways to better document the API schema to reduce confusion and better document the expected responses for each API, however we do not have anything to share on that just yet.


Sorry for the insanely long delay in responding! The use case was funneling the loot news to a Discord channel letting folks not in the game know someone just got something.

can confirm only achievements and encounters are returned and look much like this

      "character_achievement": {
        "character": {
          "key": {
            "href": ""
          "name": "Burnsy",
          "id": 207582296,
          "realm": {
            "key": {
              "href": ""
            "name": "Eredar",
            "id": 93,
            "slug": "eredar"
        "achievement": {
          "key": {
            "href": ""
          "name": "Mythic: Star Augur Etraeus",
          "id": 10845
      "activity": {
      "timestamp": 1658268529000