Got disconnected in game and am now in a queue to reconnect

I was dropping into warzone and I got kicked on my way down. Said I had been disconnected from the blizzard servers. Try to reconnect, shows that I’m in a 9 minute queue. Did I just get kicked out to let someone else play?? Fkn wack.


Yep I got booted and I can’t log back into Bnet. Huge queque now.


If this is how support is going to be during COVID-19, I better have some backup games that dont require internet o,O


Same here. Was playing OW with some buddies who finally got it for PC and then one got kicked. We lost all voice. and when I exited the game it put me in a queue.


i had the same problem here


Same. But I logged in bnet still can’t play, the bnet winodw is not even opening.


Was playing Hearthstone and same thing stuck in que…patch Tuesday??


i was in a greater rift on D3, got kicked just after pick up a primal… RIP that piece… my queue reached 0 and then b-net force closed… not looking good…


Same. Fix servers please.


I waited and got kicked again. Keeps happening over and over. once I get signed in and the servers please stop kicking me. Fix the damn servers. psn and xbox don’t have this peoblem so figure it out. howq long has blizzard been doing this. and still hasn’t figured out how to have reliable conection shamfull

You guys want to go ahead and refund my money on the f#$%ng xp and weapons tokens you jacked from me?

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I keep getting a code BLZBNTBGS000003F8 connection to blizzard game server has been lost. then when i go to the desktop app it says that im reconnecting in the app WTH is going on!! does anyone know what is happening.

that just happen to me right now… i was dropping from airplain and got disconnected, and now “ servers are to busy and i got 15min queue”