If i get lenux what the best 1 for gameing imhave a alienware computer
I also inquired about this, Dell/Alienware does not recommend Linux or these machines.
some of the proprietary drivers Alienware uses specifically are not available in Linux operating systems, Using Wine does not allow the drivers, and the Alienware command center to access the kernel.
If you wish to go Linux, I suggest using a XPS machine instead. But then you will face issues with battle net and Wine. I believe battle.net (Microsoft owned now) will not support their platform on Linux in general.
I would like to drop Microsoft as well, but for your favorite battle net games were suck like chuck.
Ill go windows 7 windows 11 is garbage lots of problems
battle.net is still compatible with windows 7 but, not all games will work. here is a list of games i have personally tested in windows 7: starcraft 1 and 2, warcraft 1 and 2 remastered, world of warcraft, heroes of the storm, diablo 1, 2(even remastered) and 3 and hearthstone. heartstone runs slowly on weaker hardware however.
a hint of advice regarding warcraft 2 remastered: it requires somewhat updated gpu drivers to work. even on my gtx 650 ti boost it runs on low, meaning that you need something stronger than that for optimal settings. though that is not a problem. even 20 series and 30 series have windows 7 drivers.
Correct. Blizzard has never officially supported Linux for their games. They also no longer support MacOS for any of their newer ones. That was well before the Microsoft acquisition and is related to hardware/software issues for game developers on Mac.
i had windows 11 2 upgrades now my 4500 computer starts up 30 seconds goes off i think microsoft ows me a new computer