GhostWolf Login error

I already added the phone number to my blizzard account on Warzone but, the game is telling me I still need to.

Hi there GhostWolf,

I looked over this and did a reset on your account. You will see a Password reset, this should help you log in. Please let us know if there are further issues in the app.


Excuse me GhostWolf, How did you do to add your phone number to your blizzard account?? I tried but i still have the same code errore every time (Error Code: BLZBNTBGS00004665).

hi I am having the same problem what do I do to fix this?

Buenas noches, tengo el mismo problema, acabo de instalar Call of Dty: WarZone y me pide agregar el número de teléfono pero ya lo tengo registrado, por favor ayudeme

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