Getting random sign outs and blizzard saying it cant connect

having no issue anywhere else everything runs fine noticed it more in the nights also noticed if games idling in bo6 it will disconnect for no reason id ask for a dev to look in to the account please something seems odd I’ve also noticed when it does it a nice fps drop latency will change its changed servers nic logg confirms this why the port change in the servers US CITIZEN and I’ve seen some weird port in to servers way outside of my time zone or region doesn’t make sense possible look in to the account and verify activity on bo6 ty

Is this with the launcher or any particular game?

For games made by Activision, Blizzard can only help with your BNet account, the purchase of the game and its installation/update.

For everything else, you need to contact Activision Support.

==> Having Problems with Call of Duty? Read this first!