Getting pet breed via the API

Hi, as the title says, I’m looking to get the possible breeds for a battle pet. Right now, I can get a list of battle pets and their abilities in WoW, but cannot find a way to get all the possible breeds (H/H, B/B, etc) for that pet. Am I missing an endpoint? I’d appreciate a kick in the right direction. Thank you.

i think this is something the addons in game calc on their own … as it is not in the api outside the game

Thank you for the reply. This may be the case, but sites outside of the game have this data (Wowhead and Warcraftpets). I know Wowhead has an in game client that helps them get data, but I think that only keeps track of kills and treasure drops (I could be wrong), but I don’t see anything like that for Warcraftpets. I’ll expand my search to asking them as well.