Forum Resources

Greetings Developers!

Welcome to our new forums! We hope you’ve been enjoying the updated layout and exploring all the new features at your disposal.

To better equip our developers to use the new forums, we’d like to share a post from one of your fellow community members. Siyanati has posted a syntax guide on the World of Warcraft forums that we believe our community could benefit from as well. You can find that guide here.

We appreciate your patience during the migration to the new platform. As the days continue on, we’re excited to be a part of our community members sharing their epic creations!

Great guide!

I’d like to add some info. To find out your current trust_level here on the API forums a user can access the following URL, replacing the params {btag name} and {btag number} by their own battletag info.{btag name}-{btag number}.json

The above link is the same url you get on your profile page (by clicking on the gear icon on your notifications popup) with the .json extension.

This will return a json containing a group array, the name of the groups present will let you know your current trust level and some other information no currently displayed on the page.

For the wow forums the comment on the guide says you would use the same link, but ending with the character name and realm.

For more details on markdown syntax you can see: as this is the base implementation used by Discourse.

To add, you can set the language of code if you do in this way:
