Foridden Error with Namespace "Dynamic"

Dear Blizzard Team,

I am currently developing a new project using the Blizzard API.
The query works, but only with the namespace “profile”, but we would need the namespace “dynamic” for our project, as we want data to be transmitted in real time. In order to avoid unnecessary requests, we have considered saving data in our database first and only triggering the API if the data does not match.

As mentioned, the “profile” namespace is currently working, but we are getting a forbidden error via the “dynamic” namespace
We would like to output the data for the API /equipment/, for example

As I understand it, or currently, the data is only updated when I log out.

 -name: "GET"

because wrong namespace

you need to be using profile-eu

profile data is only changed when the character has logged out of game there is no dynamic for any profile settings

you can always do a if modified since check in a header request to see if the character has changed or not and handle the http code as necessary

im sure they have no plans to change this