Feature Request: Great Vault information

Is there any way we can get Great Vault progress information about a character into the API? I’d like to be able to track whether members of my guild have gotten their mythic+ keys done for the week. I realize that I can track mythic+ progression via the mythic+ endpoints, but that requires me to periodically make requests and calculate their weekly progress from the results.


At least for Mythic Keystones, you can get this information by getting a character’s Keystone profile. You can use the endpoint /profile/wow/character/{realmSlug}/{characterName}/mythic-keystone-profile (fill out realmSlug and CharacterName accordingly. You can check it out in the API documentation.

I have no idea where to find that information for Raids or PvP, though.

Bumping this thread because its 2024 and we still don’t have Great Vault data on the API.

I’m a solo altaholic that likes delves. I want to build a tool that will report Great Vault progress across all my characters.

This will save me from having to login to each character individually and run to the vault to look.


This would be a great feature for the API indeed. Specially for tracking multiple alts and organizing guild runs.


Agree, it would be a nice feature.

I agree, would be really great being able to see what we have in the vault while being in the bus and even being able to see our progress.