Exact match when looking for item ID

Hey, Im fairly new to using APIs, but I couldn’t find info about it anywhere. Is there a way to receive item_id only for the perfect match, while using item_name?


That’s what Im using for looking up item ID.
For example, searching for “Duskweave Bag” is gonna give me around ~50 IDs, which I assume is every item containing words “Duskweave” or “bag”

It requires me to read through all item names i got to verify I got the one I needed.
Is there any way to make “Duskweave Bag” give me only one ID it perfectly matches?

I can’t answer how to make the search do what you ask, but don’t assume that item names are unique. There are over 500 “Charred Glyph” items, 58 “Fortune Card”, 15 “Medallion of the Alliance”, 13 “Obsidian Gladiator’s Drape”, and many many more examples.