Error launch\update Launcher &\or Games FULL FIX

Launcher will not update, games will not launch, updates and games tend to hang during any form of connection. Agent will at times claim to have gone to sleep and hangs when attempting to wake up. This includes MANY errors thus I have a list below, if you have more to add kindly include them in responses to this thread in a list format like below to help anyone searching.

Error noted to come up for this issue:
* BLZBNTBNA00000005
* BLZBNTBNA00000006
* BLZBNTBNA0000000*
* Error in Logs containing "cURL Error 28" with a count after this part of the error.

LOGS that can help Diagnosing:

[local drive letter]\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\\Logs


Common Issues found in this event:

1) Launcher will kick off, but the main screen will be blank with the "Processing" Icon constantly running until an error about an agent going to sleep appears and will not go any further

2) Games will NOT update or install under ANY circumstance even after FULL uninstall (Including Registry PURGE of references)

3) FULL Files PURGE of Blizzard ( Launcher/store & all Games did NOT fix the issue, Multiple errors would come up and on Search many solutions were found but none of them worked INDIVIDUALLY. At the end I had to do the process detailed below to fully fix my instance, however I am warning all readers it is a critical to complete the process & do NOT leave it as is; follow until the end as this process is very dangerous to leave half done as it exposes your PC to unknown threats.


SOLUITION PROCESS -- What worked for me

This process is being provided AS IT with no liability / warranty implied or intended, act upon this suggestion at your own risk, if you are not sure GET HELP.


How to resolve the Hung Launcher Updates, Hung Games Updates, Hung Installations, Hung Refresh on Launcher/Store where you will get an error that is similar to "Agent Has Crashed or gone to sleep and is trying to be reawakened" with a Blizzard error code at the end.

1) Uninstall

2) Go to Each of the following locations on your PC to ensure you remove ALL files. In some cases, you will also need to delete the game directories in these locations if the game itself is updating when the Launcher is working.

NOTE: you can use the Microsoft File Explorer to Search for any files on your PC that has "" in it to help know if anything got left behind.

A) C:\Users\[UserName]\AppData\Roaming\Roaming
B) C:\Users\[UserName]\AppData\Roaming\Local
C) C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local
D) C:\ProgramData
F) [Install Drive Letter]->Program Files (x86)
G) [Install Drive Letter]->Program Files

3) WARINING I am leaving this instruction intentionally vague, this is for ADVANCED users ONLY, this step CAN destroy you OS Installation:

--- Using Regedit -- I went through the pain of hunting ALL references and deleted the corresponding Keys and Group Objects in the registry, a FULL scrub will take roughly 1 to 2 hours due to the number of registry entries that are created and orphaned by uninstall.

4) This part is TEMPORARY ONLY -- Norton Users this is REQUIRED as for some reason Norton will find some part of the install as malicious and block it, disabling the Norton Services DOE NOT WORK!!! Uninstall only works, I have tested this and it is accurate.

--- UNINSTALL your Antivirus / Firewall solution, this is intended to be temporary so reinstall IS recommended. Install the launcher AND the games while the Antivirus is uninstalled.

5) After ALL steps have been taken and you have successfully reinstalled your Launcher and the games you want to run-- test your game launches and then finally REINSTALL your Antivirus Product (Norton should be reinstalled here). Do not leave the Antivirus / Firewall tools uninstalled for your safety.



Antivirus or Network components will see Launcher, or the games installed as a malicious Application and thus block that component (often not logged in the AV). This issue causes a number of errors that will boil down to what appears to be a network communication issue where you will Time out error in the logs.

NOTE: I do not know if reinstalling Norton after the FIX will re-trigger the Update / hung Launcher issue but if it does I will update here as soon as I identify it on next update.

I hope this helps with so many searching for this solution, I know I went through a hellacious number of pages for a solution, and I am trying to Consolidate all the topics for this into ONE post. I hope this helps someone with the same issue out there.

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