can someone help with this
I also have this issue atm. The downloader gets to 398.24 and stops when ‘updating’ world of warcraft: the war within. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled app several times and it always stops at that precise bit. I run it through Linux/Lutris.
Not familiar with this error number, are you sure that’s the correct one?
Unsupported operating system issues fall outside the scope of support in this forum.
I am also getting this same code on pc windows 11 4070 gru 13900 i have tried all tne general fixes
I also got this code on windows 11 still cant log in done everything thing i can find
I had the same issue until this morning. I use bazzite with lutris (but I think it’s happening to Windows users too). Sadly, I was one of those who uninstalled battlenet, so I couldn’t reinstall it because of this bug.
I tried again a few minutes ago and managed to install both and WoW, seems to be working now.
I’m using Proton Hotfix version.
same issue, windows 10, gets to 398.24 just like zerb.
I’ve tried, restarting client, reinstalling client as admin, running as admin, wiping program data, manually wiping all battlenet related folders after uninstall. Turning off windows security/virus.
I’ve been having the same issue since the update. And to add to that, when I click on the the error code for help, it sends me to a Battlenet page that says…
…“# Page Not Found
We couldn’t find this page.”
Come on guys, there must be a fix for this.
same issue here. what ever they did, they f’d something up
Another one here, not updating…
I had this same error today as I just bought and installed BO6. I just clicked the blue cogwheel next to update game in Bnet and selected Scan and Repair. Once I did that, it allowed me to play the game. Hopefully this helps you too.
I tried the scan & repair several times with WOW retail on my brand new Win. 11 gaming rig with no luck. Got the same 840 error message as when trying to download/update the game.
Im also getting that error. Windows 11. Was working fine over a week ago, ever since ive not been able to update Call of Duty. When I click on update I get that error.
Scan and repair worked for me too.
I cant update my black ops 6 because it stuck on message: Whoops! Looks like something broke. Give it another shot. Error Code: blzbntagt0000083e
provided link for instructions on this error is broken.
please help i cant play the game @admin
Getting the same error code and no help from anyone at support about it
Same issue. Are we going to get help or are we just expected keep buying these terrible problematic games we can’t even play?
Also bei mir hat geholfen das spiel deinstallieren und neu zu installieren
got the same problem with the code BLZBNTAGT0000083E when i try to play call of duty it js says i have to update it.
but after doing it i just get this straight into my face BLZBNTAGT0000083E.
never seen some bs like this in ages.
Tried fixing it with YT tutorials there werent really helpfull seems like they fcdk up like always when am i gonna be able to play my game ??
trash launcher LOL !
I fixed this when my friend copied me his bo6 game from his PC where he uses win10. It worked. (it was patched to season 2 patch).
I dont recommend to downgrade to win10 but try to copy the game