Error 404 on a lot of chars


I tried to use simulationcraft to get my character profile but I got an error 404.
So I used manually blizzard api and I confirm I have an error 404 on all my characters. Error is: “{“code”:404,“type”:“BLZWEBAPI00000404”,“detail”:“Not Found”}” on ALL my characters on my account. Why?

One of my character (triggering error 404):

A random character from someone else on same realm (works fine!):

But the website profile works fine: (wow)/en-gb/character/eu/archimonde/exolie

Any idea?

Hey Nalumo,

You might find this thread helpful: Blizzard API returns a 404 error for some characters - #3 by Nemesis-2843. There could be privacy settings the player has enabled which is causing the 404 on the API.


Thanks a lot, it seems the account had no data share enabled. So I guess it’s going to work once enabled again on blizzard servers.

On the other side Blizzard should not send a 404 error with json field “detail”:“Not Found” when it is a privacy issue related to account’s settings: this is totally misleading. They should send a 403 error with json field “detail”:“Data share disabled on this account” for example.

I believe they do it this way so the fact that this profile is private IS private to make sure it is not being exploited in any way.

I agree it is misleading but I doubt it will be changed.