Hey all, I’m new to the developer side of Blizzard, glad to be here though. I was looking at the API documentation for WOW, and from what I see there is only one GET endpoint for auction house data. Is there any documentation on what the structure of the response will include (looking for the possible objects and their definitions as well as the definitions of the properties throughout the whole response). Thanks in advance!
Sorry, but no. There is no documentation for any of the data models that is returned.
Unless there are fields missing, this should be the auction data structure
id: number;
item: {
id: number;
context: number; // The context the item was obtained in
modifiers: {
type: number;
value: number
pet_breed_id: number;
pet_level: number;
pet_quality_id: number;
pet_species_id: number;
bonus_lists: number[];
buyout: number; // If quantity === 1
quantity: number;
time_left: string;
bid: number;
unit_price: number; // If quantity > 1
Ukon, thanks for the info, that’s sad that there is no official documentation about this. The main reason I was asking is because I wanted to develop some applications about auction house prices. Is there anything blizzard provides to be able to find out the prices items are being sold at on the auction house?
Yes, the auction house API would be the way to go there.
Just look up the items id.
It might also be an idea to index the whole item database as well so that you can search through it etc.