[Diablo Immortal] I think I got Banned for a stupid Bug

Last week I did helliquary bosses with my Warband and every boss change caused the players to disconnect suddenly, so, I realized what the problem was, and I repeated x3 times the same thing to confirm that I suspected was the error, and it actually disconnected them again, So now I can confirm what cause the drop disconnection error, but then and the next day I got Banned…

I think that was the reason because I never did anything wrong like using bots, macros, auto clicks, etc. and I have never used third party software, I already opened 2 tickets but, I don’t get Human answers… just automatic messages from a Bot

Is there any other way to contact Blizzard Diablo Immortal support besides this forum?.

Posting on a forum is the wrong way to contact Blizzard.

If you want to contact Blizzard, especially to appeal your account ban, the only way is a ticket. Click the “Contact us” button at the bottom of https://us.battle.net/support/en/help/product/immortal/1874/2056/solution

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