Diablo II: Characters missing from account

Accounts: Moh.MLD ; Moh.Mid

each had 8 characters, now there is only a couple on them. All characters were perm’d with exactly 48 days remaining on them. I keep a log of when i refresh them to make sure i dont miss it. Would like to have my characters back. Thanks

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Same happened to me a few days ago, 2 characters randomly disappeared for no apparent reason. I lost all of my best gear, including rare/crafted items that can’t be replaced. Wtf is going on? Why can’t you just fix the server that’s been broken for MONTHS now? Do you expect me to purchase Diablo 4 if you can’t even fix and maintain a game that’s over 20 years old?


We have a support article that lists some things to check along with limitations with character restorations here:

With the game as old as it is, restoring Diablo II characters isn’t possible. There were some connection issues with the server yesterday, which could have caused some glitchy behavior.

Thank you for your response.
Tried the make a new character and delete it method already. None of the others apply. They werent accidentally deleted and they had 48 days remaining. please advise what exactly happened. This isnt an isolated issue nor a yesterday only issue.

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I have exactly the same problem on EU Softcore No-Ladder.
Several permed and very old chars just vanished completely.
i tried to refresh the character list by creating and deleting a random new char, but that didnt help.
How do i get my toons back and why were they deleted in the first place ?!

Bump to the top, looking for resolution.

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So I was there at ladder reset and I got to lvl 94 and had Ebotd and 2 Jahs and stuff yet out of nowhere my password didn’t work. I had to struggle to get it back because I am not smart and then after I reset the password I setup an e-mail and all my characters were gone yet my character’s name still existed. Mules that were gone, some of their names didn’t exist and it all seemed a bit fishy. But yeah, I really don’t believe it was some bug because there was like 1 character left but it was empty. Then my power supply went out and after I got it fixed and came back to my account it had no characters. I don’t understand what the hell happened.

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Same here;
15 year old account(s), 16 characters, been expired but reactivated 100 times before… Now gone/empty
One or two chars gone when expired and created new with that name? Never happened before, but plausible… ALL gone (since last reset)? Come on…

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Assuming this is not a display issue of some variety, that’d make it an account issue of some sort or a bug. I’d post about it on the #diablo-ii-general-discussion forum. I only see a few characters on our end across Moh.MLD/Moh.MID and another account which appears to be owned by you. Unfortunately we are not able to assist with character recovery in Tech Support as there is no backend functionality to do this and we can’t verify how a character went missing (via deletion, permanent hardcore death, etc.)


there is an active post about it that has no resolution there. Can you tell me when my characters were deleted? What reason? Obviously this isnt some accidental deletions or hardcore deaths when its affecting a mass amount of people.

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having same issue today on an account and a friend had the same issue last night just disappearing for no reason

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Still waiting on some resolution/information


I missed your previous reply. Sorry about that. As mentioned in the previous post, I’ve given you all of the information I have at this time. We don’t have in depth logs of activity on diablo 2 accounts. They are on a very archaic system which is mostly opaque to us in support. The majority of information we have access to deals with account suspensions and things which may help with the occasional password issue. I wish I could give you some better news here, but we simply have no further insight into this and since we aren’t developers ourselves, your best course of action is to collect reports on the general forum as earlier mentioned.

Cant even get a dev to acknowledge the issue on general forum…