Diablo II (2000) won't install on Windows 10

I’m trying to install Diablo II (2000).

I downloaded the game with Blizzard Downloader and when I run the installer program, the install button does nothing. Tried running as admin/compatibility/disable firewall and such but nothing works.

I accidentally deleted my reply below and the forum won’t let me reply anymore

Are you using the downloader from :

Are you getting a message that Windows has protected your computer… with only a “Do not run” button ?

If so… click on the link for additional information… that should add a “Run anyway” (or something like that… My Windows 11 is in French)

The install process is clunky… you will get some question(s) about what to do with 404_WebOC files… I just hit cancel and keep going :slight_smile:


And it’s a very slow download… it takes about 30 minutes for Diablo II.

Ok – I see that you’ve updated the title… and that this is about Diablo II (2000)… so I’ve undeleted my first reply… which is probably a good place to start. Scroll up to see my 1st reply.

Also, you might want to move this topic to the Legacy Games Tech Support forum; scroll up to the top where the title is and click the pencil tool to the right of the title… as if you wanted to modify the title.

Change the category from Desktop App Tech Support to Legacy Games Tech Support – it should be the first category on the list.

That should move your topic to : Legacy Games Tech Support - Blizzard Forums