Diablo 4 From Steam Not Showing in Battle.net

I purchased Diablo 4 from Steam a few months ago.
Yesterday, I decided to install the Battle.net app on my PC.
I do not see Diablo 4 in “Games” or “Installed” lists.
I have already tried the following:

  1. Setting\Downloads\Scan For Games. I have scanned in MANY directories, including "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Diablo IV"
  2. Deleted “C:\ProgramData\Battle.net”.
  3. Uninstalled Battle.net app.
  4. Completely uninstalled Diablo 4 and re-installed it.
  5. Repeated 1,2,3 many times.

What do I need to do to get Blizzard games purchased from Steam to show up in Battle.net?

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