Diablo 3 lan connections

Sorry if not the right place didn’t see diablo 3 place.

My wife and I use ps4 we wanted to play this game. I bought 2 new copy of the game last night and when one of us joins the other after about a minute or so the joined player is kicked from the host game. Does not matter who hosts the joined player always gets kicked.

We have 2 ps4 consoles connected with a lan cable. I manually set up the connections with dg, ip of ps41, ip of ps42 primary and secondary dns mtu auto, subnet mask

That’s the set up I have made sure the game is on lan connections and we can join each other but can’t stay connected for more than a few minutes in game. This set up works for borderlands 2 just fine. I also checked we are running both same version of the game 1.26. also I have checked the cable and powered off both consoles but still does not work.

Should also note we do it like this because we have no joke internet connection to play on.

Can someone solve this problem for me please?

This is a Classic Game Tech forum. You can try posting here for D3 Tech…

you do not really need lan for the console version of diablo 3. you can play up to 4 players on the same console there.