Diablo 2 US East Server Issue STILL Not Resolved

Have not been able to log into my US East Account since approximately 5pm (8/4) with no updates on any solution at all.

Hey Doty,

The USEast issue was resolved the same day it occurred. Bliz did acknowledge and update on it. This post was to direct those who still had problems connecting to contact support.

From what I have read in the forums, and found by asking around this is an issue with people who are playing on Mac - myself included.

Yeah, I also play on Mac and have still been stuck at “Checking Versions” since the initial server issue.

First I have never been able to connect to any server except USEast. But I would like to add that my issue was resolved exactly 24 hours after everything went down. Seems I was given a 24 hour temp IP ban. For what reason, I have no idea. I would assume that all the residual issues are the same unless something was changed. I am NOT on a MAC and had the same issues and did NOT change anything on my end (updates, settings, etc). I simply waited WITHOUT TRYING TO CONNECT constantly like some might be inclined to do.

With that said…from what I’ve read…the timers could be up to 14 days on IP bans. But I would give it 72 hours (tomorrow) to be safe. Then contact support as @Leviathan suggested.

Submitted a technical ticket and the support specialist verified it is not a temp ban issue that I am experiencing.

I just want to throw out there in case it applies to anyone. Mac support for legacy D2 ended with version 10.14 (Mojave). Meaning it is not supported on version 10.15 (Catalina) and later. The reason is legacy D2 is a 32-bit application. But, Mac completely dropped all 32-bit support starting with Catalina.


Here’s a more detailed outline on the best way to ask support about possible temporary play restrictions: