Diablo 2 LoD "Unable to enter game, generic bad file"

Creating any character in Diablo 2 classic results in the error message “Unable to enter game, generic bad file” and being sent to the main menu. I did a fresh install just to be safe, and get the same error message. I have no clue what’s causing this or how to fix it. While downloading the installers, both Diablo 2, and Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction had four script error popups each. I have .png files of the 8 popups, but don’t know how to link them.

Any assistance, would be appreciated, even if it’s just redirection to an appropriate email address.


Sounds like some file got corrupted…

Where did you install from ?

  • the original CDs ?
  • https://www.blizzard.com/en-us/download/ ?

What version of the game are you running ?

What OS are you on ? Windows ? Mac ? and what version ?

The script errors are “normal”… sort of :slight_smile: I also got those when I reinstalled the game last October.

This forum is it… there is no e-mail support.
You can also submit a ticket here: https://us.battle.net/support/en/help/contact/356/ticket

Installed from Blizzard’s official site. Not sure what version it is.
Running on Windows 10 Home v1903. Owner of the laptop doesn’t want th laptop updated as the hardware itself is a little old.
Attempted it once 2-3 years ago, and Windows Defender actually modified the files mid-download so the program would install but refuse to run at all (on a different Windows 10 laptop). This time I still got a Windows defender pop-up, but wasn’t informed of it removing/altering game files.
It may be worth noting I’m trying to run it off an external SSD.

That may be part of it… for modern games, Blizzard advises that games cannot be installed on external drives or network drives… something about Windows disconnecting from external drives… see https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/blizzard/t/blizzardnet-desktop-app-not-downloading-any-games/14820/2.

Mine is installed on the C: drive… takes a bit less than 2 GBytes.

The game version is displayed on the main screen… see my screenshot here: https://i.imgur.com/8W1gW3d.jpg (copy link in your browser). If yours says 1.14B, it’s because you haven’t applied the last patch… the one that brings you from 1.14B to 1.14D; see my post https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/blizzard/t/i-cant-install-d2-or-lod/20950/7 for some instructions on how to install that patch.

Is there a way to pause Windows defender while you install Diablo II ?

I hope this helps. Good luck !

I’ve got D2R working from an external hard drive. The laptop that I normally use needs servicing. I’m actually borrowing someone else’s laptop hence the external, so I’m hesitant about installing directly onto the C drive.

I booted it up again and discovered I’m still running 1.14B. Logging into Battle.net from in game didn’t do anything. It would receive permission, then minimise the game at the main menu (even disappearing from task bar so it looks closed). An external URL got it updated to 1.14D. It runs into the same error though.

I googled it last time, and Windows Defender is so heavily embedded to there’s no way to guarantee it mind’s it’s own business without registry changes.

OK - I didn’t realize you were using someone else’s computer.

You may want to check whether you have admin access to the laptop C: drive; the heroes you create in Single Player mode are stored in the C:\Users\Xxxxxx\Saved Games\Diablo II folder, where Xxxxxx is your UserID on the laptop. Also, a Diablo II folder is created under Documents. Check whether those 2 Diablo II folders exist.

There is a Diablo 2 folder in Documents. Not in my Saved Games folder.

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