Desktop App silent install

I was just asked to put on a lab of computers. It isn’t pretty, but the following script should work. If you’re using something like SCCM - just set it to run the installer visible and it will work in there too. You’ll need to launch the AutoIt script as admin for this to work - start it from an elevated command prompt. There is some command to make it prompt for admin, but I can’t remember it off hand. You could probably also use keyboard send functions instead of the mouse clicking. This was built on a 1920x1080 screen.

#include <AutoItConstants.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>

Opt("MouseCoordMode", 1)
Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2)

Local $aPos
Local $InitPos

WinWait(" Setup", "")
; Get comparative value
$aPos = WinGetPos("")
; Get initial value
$InitPos = WinGetPos("")
While $aPos[2] = $InitPos[2] and $aPos[3] = $InitPos[3]
	;MsgBox(0,"In loop","")
	If $aPos[2] = 408 Then
	If $aPos[3] = 108 Then
	$aPos = WinGetPos("")

;	Box is bigger - continue installation
$aPos = WinGetPos("")

WinWait("", "")
$aPos = WinGetPos("")
$ClickCoordX = $aPos[0]+273
$ClickCoordY = $aPos[1]+248
MouseClick($MOUSE_CLICK_LEFT, $ClickCoordX, $ClickCoordY, 1)
$ClickCoordX = $aPos[0]+606
$ClickCoordY = $aPos[1]+414
MouseClick($MOUSE_CLICK_LEFT, $ClickCoordX, $ClickCoordY, 1)

WinWaitActive(" Login")
WinClose(" Login")

+1 please add silent install

Sysadmin here for a school who are hosting eSports lessons/courses, a silent install/unattended option would be great for MDT/PDQ deployment.

Pls Blizz.

Two years of begging for an obviously simple and necessary feature and nobody cares…

Volunteers like you should really just move on to help another company.
I’ve had Blizzard employees say to post in the forum for the development team to see.
This company can take peoples money just fine but then keep people in an endless loop of no help.
I miss 1994 Blizzard.

Too true! This company is dying.

Please add silent install and add a package to Microsoft Winget. All other windows game “store” launcher apps (Steam, GOG, Epic, EA, Ubisoft, etc) are there except for

Please add silent launcher. Think of the esports.

Adding here as well. Need silent install to deploy in dozens of labs for eSports.

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This worked for me --lang=enUS --installpath=“C:\Program Files (x86)\”

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This is nice, did you find it by simple trial and error?
only issue it that the installer is not allowed to create the folder.
and it’s still showing UI, would be nice to have a fully silent installation option