Dear customer support team

To the lovely community and the customer service team,

i am sorry for the huge novel here, im just so deeply sad and it still hurts even after allmost a month, losing everything besides my memories for something i never did.
Before there are any negative comments towards any direction, i wanna point out the fact that ive been a satisfied customer and also fan of the CS-team for allmost two decades now, allways being treated well and i love the community and
WoW specifically. Whenever there was a problem or a mistake by blizz, ive allways been helped very quickly in a respectful manner. However, like in all big companies there can be some difficulties or even mistakes happening, as i also
have allmost 9 years of experience in customer support and that is totally fine, it happens. Sadly im still in shock and really depressed even after allmost a month due to what happened to me. All of my 8 accounts got permanently banned
and after a “internal investigation by the specialist team”, im being accused of using cheating software, which is simply wrong and it makes me really sad to even be compared to those who use it. For allmost 5 years ive been using my 8
accounts without longtime breaks in between the years, focussing more on the auctionhouse and casual story content in the past few months, simply because i´m getting too old to keep up with being a highend raider, which i was only interested in
before, but found a new love and way to play the game for a long time now. After about 8 tickets with 3-4 days waiting time each, i get no chance of anyone taking his time actually looking into everything allthough the specialist team
made a mistake. In all my tickets ive been transparent, polite, respectful towards the GMs since i know how hard this whole procedure is. I gave every info i can and am willing to help, including what i did on a daily basis and what
addons i use (all of them are officially from Curseforge: TSM, PBS, WIM, Postal). Furthermore im extremely careful on what is running on my pc and what addons i use, double checking 10 times before i even use any new addon if it could
break the Tos in any way. Needless to say, i never used any software, hardware, ahk script, autoclicker, Keyboard macros or anything comparable to streamline playing my accounts. All my accounts are in windowed mode side by side and i manually go from
one window to another cancelling my auctions or looting my mail or trading with myself to restock any sold recipes/items on the server ((cluster) there are 92 different ones for EU)). I also never trade with anyone face to face besides
myself, inviting myself to the group with ingame macros to make sure any sold item is restocked on that cluster again. In one of the last tickets i got redirected to the multiboxing changes that were made in 2020 which just goes to show
that a mistake was made and it is a false positive. Non of my keypresses/actions went to multiple accounts at once, i allways manually go from window to window and even take breaks in between dealing with irl stuff. Now i am convinced
that the topic of streamlining was analysed in a wrong way, simply due to the fact that with 8 accounts and the massive amount of logs that have to be checked, its extremely difficult to even see that i never broke any rules and never
will. Yes, some people in this community may not like my playstyle but at least i can say with a clear conscience, that i never broke any rules. Even better, i´ve seen multiple bots running around in the exact same pattern from ah to
mail to the bank, back to mail and back to the ah again. I´ve reported them multiple times and luckily some of them got banned…im trying to help in any way i can and allways stay polite, even testing ptr to help support the product.
It´s simply frustrating, feeling helpless, trying to get any support and a chance to be heard…i had every single Dragonflight recipe times 100 except for Lariat, spread on every cluster with a lot of boes. Losing over 100M worth of
items is just so disheartening and it wouldnt even make sense to risk that using anything that is against tos. A cheater would get rid of everything asap and just keep going with new accounts since its a game of cat and mouse. I´m really
trying to fight here, hoping someone takes his time to really look into everything and help a longtime customer. I dont blame any GMs since the problem lies within the specialist team, flagging people for something they haven´t done, so
the GMs simply close any appeals down the line since its what they are supposed to do. In the past few months there are a lot of cases where even a lot of content creators published videos, calling this problem out with a lot of discord
servers being out there that have multiple people being helpless for months now. Currently im so desperate that i even wish for a Gigachad Blueposter in here to try and call me out, since thats what happened a few years back to people
claiming to be falsely banned but then got called out so they finally told the truth. I simply have nothing to hide, ive been transparent and gave all the info i can, knowing i never broke and never will break the tos in any shape or

Here is my typical day in WoW while enjoying Twitch/Youtube:

  1. -logging into all 8 accounts
  2. -WoW 3 char functions as a mobile bankchar, restocking any sold recipe/item that i sold on any of the 92 different clusters, using ingame macros to invite myself and trade with myself on WoW 1-8 besides WoW 3.
  3. -logging into different realm/clusters on WoW 1,2, 4-8 to check for good deals with the addon PBS from curseforge.
  4. -trading myself the gold from any sale and restock the item to make sure i have at least one on each cluster again.
  5. -cancel scanning my auctions with the ingame TSM-mousewheel-macro
  6. -using ingame macro to set the camera to a prior saved position (option found in keybindings to save camera positions), turning the camera about 180 angle (basically opposite direction) so that i can press left+right mousebutton
    to move to the mailbox without having to turn my camera every single time
  7. -looting mailbox and then using the ingame keybind for “interact with target” to go back to the auctioneer
  8. -if anything was sold, step 2 comes into play
  9. -as soon as im running out of any recipe/item, i check for the cheapest price possible to restock the item
    10.-WoW accounts are in windowed mode next to eachother, manually going from one account to the next (no streamlining, one keypress goes to only one account, no software, no hardware, no ahk script, no autoclicker, no keyboard macros).
    11.-Ingame logout macro to then manually switch to another cluster on each account, one at a time, continueing step 1-10. The whole process with breaks in between for irl stuff takes about 2 hours to be done with all clusters, meaning
    no extreme cancel scanning on one server/cluster.


This forum is for technical support on Blizzard’s Legacy Games:

  • Diablo II (2000) and its expansion Lord of Destruction;
  • the Blizzard Arcade Collection;
  • Battle.Net Edition of Diablo I and Warcraft I & II.

World of Warcraft is not a Legacy Games so this is the wrong forum for WoW issues.

Looks like you’ve already appealed the ban… and it was maintained… I’m sorry but there is nothing we can do about that on the forums.

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