Dc cause the game

we all got dc cause the game went down, if we log back in you gonna give us back our hc toons? or you gonan fk us make us start all over even thogh is all your ppl fault, that we dc?


they should make a feature that we can rez when we die cuz of ddos. these guys dont care they want us to die so we keep playing

Unfortunately, no.

Hardcore deaths are permanent no matter the cause, no exceptions. That’s the risk a player accepts when playing hardcore.

That said, the place you’d want to post about this is in the WoW forums.

That’s an absolute joke if that’s the case. A company with over twenty years in service that doesn’t have countermeasures for when said servers continuously get DDoS and people who have spent days in /played lose it because of not being able to prevent it for the past couple of days is grounds to never consider playing this game let alone hardcore for bad business practice.


It’s hardly a joke since it’s not an issue of countermeasures or a lack thereof. It’s solely a matter of philosophy: Blizzard very openly has considered HC deaths permanent no matter the cause since the very beginning. That is the risk that a player accepts when choosing to play HC.

As for ddos prevention/countermeasures, you seemingly don’t understand how a ddos works. The only prevention is not being online. Since that is not an option, it comes down to mitigation. And mitigation is something Bliz is just as good at as any other large online corporation. In fact, over time Bliz has gotten much faster and efficient in identifying and mitigating the attacks.

Don’t play HC if the risk and consequences are too great to bear.

I have no HC char dilemma , still it’s pretty sad that A huge co like Blizz is constantly taken to task by a wanna be , and most likely a kid, hacker w/ DDOS attacks.

A DDOS attack could be considered griefing therefore should be covered. We can not go offline when it happens because we did not know it would happen. This would be 100% a blizzard fault because your countermeasures are not good enough.

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I’m sorry Kalamar, but you are mistaken. Please read all my replies so that you can understand that ddos can’t be fully prevented.

As for griefing, again, that would fall under the “under no circumstances” part of the HC death policy.

From the official World of Warcraft Hardcore forum:

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That’s some good news!

Although it feels like a can of worms is being opened


here is LEVIATHAN1945 MVP pretending to be a manager again ,It’s a player by the way, he can’t re roll your characters only blizzard official employees can , and most likely move them to dream scythe realms
but here my issue every DDOS attack leaked over to all anniversary realms, and we got the DDOS and the server shut down as well, but we are not on hardcore
so, under the consumers act, a official blizzard staff, should make a blue post which they did
then for our server offer free gifts just like other MMOS
the end

I haven’t pretended to be anything, DansAndMegs. Please leave such fabications out of these discussions.

And keep in mind that what I’ve said is true regardless if I was a Bliz employee, a contracted volunteer (what I am) or a regular player.