[D2] Temporary Disable Keys Feature

Hello, I am currently taking a break from playing D2 LoD on B.net. I’m allowing my accounts to expire. I did however attempt to log into an account last night, but much to my dismay my key was being use by someone else. I’ve submitted a ticket and even sent a crash report giving the details.

Because I have 5 accounts on this forum, each with their own set of game keys, I’d really appreciate the ability of disabling my keys temporarily. Allowing me to temporarily disable my own keys, simply by checking a box, both allows me to protect my keys when they are not in use by me and the ability to boot botters off my keys.

Also, maybe provide us with the ability to manually send a report about such problems from the D2 folder, similar to the crash report but allow us to do it without the app crashing.
Thank you for your consideration

Were the keys found online, purchased through our store, or physical copies of the game?

Keep in mind that we do not have a way to support keys that are found online since they are then publicly accessible for any user. If online was the source for the key we might suggest purchasing a new set and discarding the shared one.

This particular set of keys was originally physical copies purchased from a store. However old this account is, that is how long they have been redeem, which is likely close to 4 years ago. I’ve never shared a set of keys, but clearly they are being used by someone else. Which tells me that redeemed 16 digit keys converted into new and completely different 26 digit digital keys are not safe from botters.

I mean, when I redeemed them about 4 years ago that would have disabled the the 16 digit key, so clearly someone has a 26 digit key generator, because how else would my keys be being used? Bnet is over run by bots and even reporting the public ones is useless. So it makes sense.

Also, I’ve was using this key almost everyday for 3 years and never once have I experience someone else using it. Now, a few weeks after I posted in the GD forum that I’ve left bnet and am allowing my US West accounts to expire, my keys are in use by someone else. Which is really interesting considering I am constantly being harassed on the forums by a select few individuals, but one in particular seems to know private details about this account, which doesn’t rule out an inside job. Which is entirely possible considering the history of my previous 2 accounts that were banned and the threat by a forum user that this account is about to be banned. I’ve reported their harassment several times, but nothing gets done about it.

I’ve posted the name of the account that was using my keys in both my crash report and the ticket I submitted. Are you even looking into that account’s behaviour? Sure that account name could be on any of the 4 realms, but even so, you have my ip address, my email, my phone number and my name, they are all attached to this account, and so are the keys.

I understand that this is the least important game, making us players the least important players, but don’t you think you have a responsibility of protecting your legitimate player base, if you did maybe some of us wouldn’t be so nasty. I mean it’s only been 15 years that botters have harassed me to no end on your forums, on my social media and even my personal life, so I understand if you need a little more time to figure things out. When will you step up to the plate?

I couldn’t find an olive branch in the emojis.