D2 Resurrected USD to CAD Pricing Discrepancy?

This is current pricing in Canada Diablo 2 Resurrected in the Battle.Net Shop converted to the equivalent pricing in US dollars as of Aug 14, 2021.

Canadian Dollar Pricing
D2 Resurrected: $CAD 54.99 / $USD 43.95
PE Upgrade: $CAD 67.49 / $USD 53.94
PE Collection: $CAD 79.99 / $USD 63.93

This is chart is based on conversion rates as of today.

Corrected to $USD / $CAD conversion rates as of Aug 14, 2021.
1 USD = 1.25155 CAD //////////////////////// 1 CAD = 0.79901 USD

Currency Corrected Pricing
D2 Resurrected: $USD 39.99 / $CAD 50.05
PE Upgrade: $USD 49.99 / $CAD 62.56
PE Collection: $USD 59.99 / $CAD 75.07

D2 Resurrected: $USD 3.96 / $CAD 4.96
PE Upgrade: $USD 3.95 / $CAD 4.94
PE Collection: $USD 3.94 / $CAD 4.93

At the highest point in the last year, $USD traded at 1.33879/$CAD, which would put the base games price $53.53 CAD ($39.99x1.33879), closer to current price points. This could mean the current pricing is based on the worst possible conversion rate for Canadians in the past year, instead of the current rate.

To make things worse, it is $59.99 CAD on the Switch, even further away from the $39.99 USD that it is on the USA eShop.