I believe I have been hacked or something weird happened with my account password. I played one night and the next when I logged in, the password was different. All my other other accounts that have same password were fine.
When I went to account recovery in Account Settings menu and entered in my email, I got the email to reset password, but the link goes to a blank white page.
Has this happened to anyone before? I already opened a support ticket.
I’ve tested the recovery link and you are correct. It is not working properly.
I’ve passed along this knowledge to Leviathan, who is a long-time MVP Tech Support guru here in the forums.
He has said the information will be passed along to Blizzard. For now, we just wait and hope for better results.
Thank you so much for assisting! If you have any updates, that would be awesome as time goes on from Leviathan perhaps. Thank you
Use your original email link for the password change. Do not submit a new one for now.
The old one I submitted went to the correct page.
I’m not sure it’s completely working though. Let me know your results.
this worked. seems like you have fixed it.
Do you know why I was able to log in one night, but the next night my password was changed? Perhaps you can message me privately if able or something. Very, very weird.
I’m not sure what happened. Maybe the servers were just having an issue with passwords for whatever reason.
Do you have any adverse affects on your account and characters?
No, everything is good to go.
Just so weird. Thank you! You saved me big time
At least there wasn’t a hacking issue. It was just the servers temporarily not accepting your password for that account. Strange things can happen like that sometimes.
I’ve looked at my accounts and they are all fine too.
I’m glad you posted something about it. It can certainly be frightening.